[Python-3000-checkins] Merging mailing lists
"Martin v. Löwis"
2008-12-04 07:36:11 UTC
I would like to merge mailing lists, now that the design and first
implementation of Python 3000 is complete. In particular, I would
like to merge the python-3000 mailing list back into python-dev,
and the python-3000-checkins mailing list back into python-checkins.
The rationale is to simplify usage of the lists, and to avoid

To implement this, all subscribers of the 3000 mailing lists would
be added to the trunk mailing lists (avoiding duplicates, of course),
and all automated messages going to python-3000-checkins would then
be directed to the trunk lists. The 3000 mailing lists would change
into read-only mode (i.e. primarily leaving the archives behind).

Any objections?

Fred Drake
2008-12-04 08:04:27 UTC
Post by "Martin v. Löwis"
I would like to merge mailing lists, now that the design and first
implementation of Python 3000 is complete. In particular, I would

Fred L. Drake, Jr. <fdrake at gmail.com>
"Chaos is the score upon which reality is written." --Henry Miller
Jeremy Hylton
2008-12-04 13:24:57 UTC
Post by &quot;Martin v. Löwis&quot;
I would like to merge mailing lists, now that the design and first
implementation of Python 3000 is complete. In particular, I would
like to merge the python-3000 mailing list back into python-dev,
and the python-3000-checkins mailing list back into python-checkins.
The rationale is to simplify usage of the lists, and to avoid
Post by &quot;Martin v. Löwis&quot;
To implement this, all subscribers of the 3000 mailing lists would
be added to the trunk mailing lists (avoiding duplicates, of course),
and all automated messages going to python-3000-checkins would then
be directed to the trunk lists. The 3000 mailing lists would change
into read-only mode (i.e. primarily leaving the archives behind).
Any objections?

Post by &quot;Martin v. Löwis&quot;
Python-3000 mailing list
Python-3000 at python.org
Unsubscribe: http://mail.python.org/mailman/options/python-3000/jeremy%40alum.mit.edu
Brett Cannon
2008-12-04 17:37:05 UTC
Post by &quot;Martin v. Löwis&quot;
I would like to merge mailing lists, now that the design and first
implementation of Python 3000 is complete. In particular, I would
like to merge the python-3000 mailing list back into python-dev,
and the python-3000-checkins mailing list back into python-checkins.
The rationale is to simplify usage of the lists, and to avoid
To implement this, all subscribers of the 3000 mailing lists would
be added to the trunk mailing lists (avoiding duplicates, of course),
and all automated messages going to python-3000-checkins would then
be directed to the trunk lists. The 3000 mailing lists would change
into read-only mode (i.e. primarily leaving the archives behind).
Any objections?
Nope; +1.

Paul Moore
2008-12-04 20:21:28 UTC
Post by &quot;Martin v. Löwis&quot;
Any objections?
The timing is right, go for it.
Dmitry Vasiliev
2008-12-04 20:58:40 UTC
Post by &quot;Martin v. Löwis&quot;
I would like to merge mailing lists, now that the design and first
implementation of Python 3000 is complete. In particular, I would
Dmitry Vasiliev (dima at hlabs.spb.ru)
&quot;Martin v. Löwis&quot;
2008-12-05 01:00:17 UTC
I like the general sentiment, but I think it may be a bad idea to
automatically bring all the subscribers from the -3000 lists over to the
more general lists. For instance if someone has an address subscribed
specifically to archive the -3000 list suddenly it will begin archiving
the other. I would rather just see a final announcement to switch to the
other list and then close the list to further submissions. Let people
join the new appropriate list manually if needed.
That sounds reasonable. So no transfer of membership will be done;
people have to explicitly subscribe to python-dev and python-checkins
if they want to continue to follow the discussion.

